Our passion for working with schools and community-based organizations has led us from sustainable learning gardens to community workshops, to long term master plans. With groups we explore user needs and design spaces to foster the connection between people, spaces, nature, learning, health and well-being. Our services include design workshop facilitation, community meetings, and goal setting, followed by design creation, permitting and construction documents. For non-profit and school projects, special effort is made to create design materials that support fundraising and/or future marketing efforts.
Fountain Valley School Master Plan
Colorado Springs, CO
IDS developed a long term master plan for this sustainably-focused nature-based private school in the high desert of Colorado. The process included visioning workshops with the board of directors, administrators, faculty, and students. Design materials showcased the vision to the campus community, in order to raise funds for the project. A set of sustainability guidelines for the campus were also developed in conjunction with the Campus Mas